Sitting in the front room, my back hurting bad and me getting the willies.
Hadn't taken tramadol in some time.
It was calling.
So things change.
And for whatever goddamn reason I got to perusing wikipedia.
You ever do that?
One thing leads to the other...
"shemagh" leads to the "IDF" to "commandos" to "SOCOM" to "Iran in 1953."
-- that was the coup. When BP got eighty-sixed from Persia.
we; America, stirred up some shit with an elite force of CIA paramilitary-types.
Ultimately ended up screwing the pooch, and instead of right-minded Islamists running the Middle-East we get the Jihadi's.mind you this was carried out by the "elite" boys on our side.
-- hump 40 clicks with 97 pounds on yer pack, killya with a ball point pen-types.
and they're operating in Iraq and Afghanistan now.
God knows where else.
And we're spending BILLIONS on 'em.
Diverting funds;
debt up the yin yang;

And for what?
40 bucko's to fill my corrolla?
Afghanistan's turning Taliban;
Iraq wants us out;
and a whole shit ton of young Americans are essentially damaged goods.
-- the punch-line to some SNL skit 8 years from now.
And yet we've got these 'elite' forces out there battling teen terrorists--who are winning the war.
Hundreds of thousands of US dollars per they hold their own with rusty AKs and jerry-rigged RPGs.
I don't get it.
Follow the money, they say.
Well, I certainly don't have any.