Got word twelve Leathernecks from 3rd Battalion 5th Marines were killed in four days over in Afghanistan this past month (reports conflict -- some say it happened in December).
Nevertheless, young Men ages 21 to 29.Killed In Action.
Most probably lower ranking enlisted.

Most probably lower ranking enlisted.
Privates, breakers.
Suppose they knew the danger when signing up -- hell, there's a war on.
Tells ya a bit about their character.
Suppose they knew the danger when signing up -- hell, there's a war on.
Tells ya a bit about their character.
Whatta shame the good ones go off and die, while the shit-bricks back home are...nevermind.
It's pretty futile. Life is unfair...yadda, yadda. Push on and smile.
Semper Fidelis.
And God bless.

little something i drew up for Los Angeles Harbor College's weekly rag;
Harbor Tides. seems like a lifetime ago -- back when our KIA's hit 2K.
wonder what it's @ now...