i was going to stop.
this lady -- a young lady. dark jeans and fitted shirt. ponytail.
she was on the corner of 1st St.
a busy street.
sending up asphalt. tearing up the hill past mestizos -- five to a room.
and then longshoreman -- white houses with white stucco.
tomato plants and pit bulls in the backyard.
but this girl/lady/mother/daughter was standing on the corner of a busy street with a look of sheer terror.
just standing.
she was looking across the street. gaze directed towards the laundromat.
or maybe the video store.
at a distance you couldn't tell.
it was dusk. but up close -- as i passed -- you saw her red eyes.
swollen eyes.
fear directed across the street.
it happened fast -- i scanned the area.
nothing. just life among the peasants as usual.
guy peddling bathtub cheese;
children pushing children in grocery carts;
a deserted gas station;
trash and black, black asphalt and dirty dust.
and this lady.
a young lady.
was standing out their on the corner of 1st.
she was gripped with fear.
but the light turned green.
and i was gonna stop.
but i didn't.