Monday, April 19, 2010

bus bench ad w/pooch

sometimes i drive by this bunch bench. it's on the way to my coffee place.
and this bench has an advertisement on it - you know the ones...
"Your Ad Here!"
but it's been bought. some woman; 40-something, big-boned, strain in her eyes as she cranks out one of those bullshit too-bit real estate grins.
which is apt, cuz she is a real estate agent.
and she's posing with a bulldog.
this butt ugly bulldog with droopy eyes and raw meat for lips.
matter of fact, the pair kinda look alike.
but it made me think - has this woman, this middle-aged lady, completely given up on humanity - on the human race, that she prefers to be seen with her dog?
her butt ugly bulldog?
instead of homo sapien sapien?
has she been burned by so many men...maybe women, that this bulldog (we'll call him Brutus)...that Brutus has become her life-partner?
that Brutus eats better than most children in Darfur?
has better dental hygiene than most Brits?
that she pays good money to pose for glamour shots with Brutus?
and then post said pictures on a bus bench ad - for all to see.

but what do i know?
she's probably a good person...probably.