Sunday, December 27, 2009

things on the internet

a picture of a guy jumping from the world trade center.
more like diving.
head down and falling.
130 mph.
zoom zoom zoom
off into the wild blue yonder.
this guy.
who was he? i dunno
some guy. some unfortunate man.
just trying to pay the rent.
like a bullet.
a slow moving bullet. tracing it's path with a photog's lens.
windows whipping past, eating smoke and shattered glass.
motionless limbs emitting noise.
like a flag in high winds.

things have been written about this guy before.
i believe even a short doc.
but i didn't know about him until a few hours ago.
a 'google,' search that lead me to this guy.
a simple depression of some keys on my mac, and i see him.
a man suspended in air.
who died so many years ago.
a lifetime ago.

the alamo
uss maine
pearl harbor

he doesn't look like the others. those men and women holding hands; shoe-less joe jackson's, terrorized can't say.
it's something foreign to me.
never been pushed so far.
so far as to jump from a building - 100s of feet up.
always had options.
remain behind a wall until the bullets stopped.

and there's no point in wondering what went through his mind in those moments.
they probably wouldn't make sense.
sense was gone, im sure.
just energy. reptilian brain waves and adrenaline.
i think.