Wednesday, June 10, 2009

TCM and Nina

been watching TCM lately. although i dislike ted turner, he's got the dope.
and matter of fact, that's pretty much all i watch nowadays.
i'm talking marathons, and since i've got 'on demand,' i can watch these classics whenever i please.
'fugitive from a chain gang;'
'they were expendable;'
'star is born,'
'who's afraid of virginia wolfe?;'
'the caine  mutiny;'
'the ten commandments;'
'an american in paris;'
'a walk in the sun;' 
i could name hundreds...
it's just great. 
they're so simple. so naive. so innocent - or at least portray a more innocent time, when everyone and their mothers didn't want to be famous.
didn't want hordes of myspacers, tweeters, and facebookers, to emulate their so-called 'style.'
i like that.

had the privilege to learn from one too - Nina Foch...well two, I meet Edward Albee @ Kennedy Center - but this one's for Nina.
took her class @ USC and she was very old. 
very, very old. 
always on the verge of death, i told myself. 
but i watched 'an american in paris,' last night and saw her. 
and she was beautiful. just slim and pretty and young. 

she passed away shortly after her last class - which i was in. 
sitting in her wheelchair. trying her best to conduct class to the very end. 
The Very End. 

didn't go to her funeral - i believe the entire USC class was invited - just thought i wouldn't belong. 
and truth be told, i probably didn't. 
but i never really wrote a blog for her - so engrossed with finals and kitchen sink drama's of my own creation.
i hope Nina found some peace.
she was a classic.