Sunday, February 22, 2009

"Soldiers' Stories" set to open July 4th 2009

the monologue I've been working on for LMU's "Soldiers' Stories," will open July 4th 2009. 
perfect timing. 
been interviewing a WWII Vet. greatest generation type. reminds me of my grandparents. 
America's spine. hard working.  no-nonsense. get it done. don't complain. and live their lives without bothering anyone.
hero's-although they'd never label themselves as such. and it's amazing to think that all these people, all these old timers; with their experiences, their piece of history, live among us.
your dad. your gramps. the next door neighbor. perchance the little old lady at the bus stop with her Reader's Digest.
their fading fast though. 
our history.

soon as i get his approval, i'll post what i've got so far.