a little lake is down at the bottom. forms from run off, i guess. it's all green and dead looking. no frogs. no fish. maybe some skeeters.
half the canyon is covered in spineless (for the most part) cacti.
yes, i said 'cacti.'
i used to cut off the cacti and feed it to my tortoise. now, i just buy romaine lettuce.
chuck it in his pen every once in a while.
and since we're on the topic of food - lets talk binges.
as in, food binges.
i go through stages. stages in which i eat/drink/smoke a certain product for a couple months, then get completely disgusted by it.
let's see, there was:
coke zero;
healthy choice ice-cream bars;
99cent store turkey chili;
99cent store sugar free wafers;
dryers non-fat ice-cream;
big red soda pop;
pumpkin seeds;
werthers original hard candy;
diet coke;
pita bread pizza;
black olives;
peach flavored diet snapple;
macanudos mini-cigarillos;
baked doritos;
baked cheetos;
goats cheese;
vegetarian pita w/bean sprouts;
wild cherry slurpees;
cherry Icee;
and most recently - banana slurpees.
thats about all i got right now. thanks for the read.