i'm seriously considering saving myself an extra 40K of debt and taking a robert mckee seminar. he teaches screenwriting. although he's constantly lambasted @ USC, i've found him very helpful.
inspiring even.
something that's all but zapped from me recently.
in fact, there's been times i've thought about quitting writing altogether due to my recent studies.
the love of storytelling lost down some dirty rabbit hole never to be seen again.
which is funny, because they gave us a copy of Ray Bradbury's "Zen in the Art of Writing."
the aforementioned book seems to contradict most of what i've been taught thus far.
it focuses on love. on hate. on breaking free of the established structure and reaching for that magic that had initially drawn you towards the written word.
but ever so often it peeks it's head up. i see the ears.
unfortunately it's usually slaughtered. poached.
it's well-meaning, i guess.
you'll build a fortress, that's for sure. with kevlar and iron and tons of ammunition to counter the assaults.
and that's something i've noticed within myself too.
i tend to build things up. lionize.
from the Marines, to the Kennedy Center, to where I find myself now.
perhaps i hold those institutions to standard that can never really be achieved.
something lofty and unattainable.
something that has devolved into a 40K writing workshop.
now, is it worth it? i guess only time will tell.
am i happy @ USC?
at times, yes.
at times, no.
but i've arrived at a place in my life where i understand the pedagogy establishment has vested interests in the enrollment of students.
hell, they've got a mortgage to pay.
braces for little suzi.
billy needs a corolla.
the adopted chinese orphan needs her baby formula.
and if they were to embrace a fellow like mckee, they'd be out of a gig.
i respect that to a certain extent.
but i'm not rich. i barely keep afloat.
and if it weren't for my old man and dead grandparent's, i'd be living in some crap-hole studio apartment in west jefferson, without a car and an empty fridge.
so, i'll be researching ole mckee this summer.
when he'll be in LA.
how much his seminar costs.
and i'll weigh my options carefully.
because i refuse to believe there's only one way...